Las Vegas Weddings: The Facts and Myths

We know there is some stigma that comes with the label of a Las Vegas Wedding Chapel. So in this week’s blog post we want to take a look at some of the awesomely true history, and some of the many false beliefs of a Las Vegas Wedding!

Without getting too far into the fascinating history that Las Vegas holds, a few new laws in the early 1930s changed the path for the city’s future. One of those laws was legalizing gambling. The other two had to do with the marriage industry; making it quick to get a legal divorce and also making it quick to get a legal license. In fact, people are still surprised how quickly you can obtain a marriage license. While other states were requiring blood tests and several days waiting period, the appeal of the quick Las Vegas Marriage License, along with its newly legalized gambling, made Las Vegas attractive for all sorts of people. A couple years later, the “It Girl” of the time, Clara Bow, eloped in Las Vegas, paving the way for many more celebrity Vegas weddings to come.

Then we have, lets call it, ‘The Hangover Effect’. I guess in part it is true, you could come to Vegas, meet a stripper, fall in love with her and marry her the same night (ill advised, but possible as long as the two of you arrive at the Marriage License Bureau before midnight). But there is absolutely no way we would marry someone who is clearly intoxicated.

Another myth of a Las Vegas Wedding is that it isn’t considered legally binding. Not True. What happens in Vegas does not always stay in Vegas, so I cannot be more direct in saying; If you get married in Las Vegas, you are married everywhere in the United States! (If you are from out of the country and get married anywhere you may be required to obtain an Apostille to legalize the signatures in your country).

So…is a Vegas Wedding for you? Next week we will dive into that topic and more.
