United in Social Distancing

It’s hard to carry on this week as normal when our normal has temporarily changed. While the Coronavirus Covid-19 has affected many facets of life, we have remained open while closely following the CDC recommendations. I am optimistic we will again find chores like going to the grocery store mundane and not the exhausted event it has become. But I am realistic to acknowledge the time that must occur for that to happen. Through this uncertainty its critical we follow all guidelines for socializing in this environment. It is important to focus on the moments of unity, kindness, and community but it is equally also important to not panic.

We are united in this from afar. Across the world we are having the same concerns; feeding our children, keeping our family healthy, paying our bills. One of our couples was forced to cancel, we talked about sharing the same toilet paper chaos in New Zealand and Las Vegas. Half a world away, collective experience. We are together in this quarantine culture. It is scary and it is complicated, but if we remain calm and stay home (as much as possible) for a bit we WILL get to the other side, healthy and happy and abundant in toilet paper.

If your wedding has been shattered by this unforeseen situation, you are not alone. There are many support groups forming, I suggest starting at The Knot or Wedding Wire, Facebook groups, friends…if you still feel alone please reach out to us, we are here to listen and help find solutions. Its always hard to see when you’re standing in the trauma, but once the proverbial dust settles, and it will, we will find our normal and celebrate together again.
