Top 5 Things to Remember on your Wedding Day!

Our experts at Love Story Wedding Chapel are an untapped resource of experience and we can’t wait to share our wealth of knowledge with this Love Story Blog. And what better way to kick off our first blog post than to start with the most important part…the Wedding Day! Speaking with brides and grooms moments before they walk down the aisle, we’ve heard a story or two. Here are some tips from the experts to keep in mind about your Wedding Day.

  1. Be Present - it takes a lifetime of dreaming, years of cultivating, months of planning, and its over in a heartbeat. Try to be in the moment for as many moments as you can.

  2. Spend Time Together - it seems simple but incredibly important. Lets get real, you’re the stars of the day! Everyone wants a piece of you, just make sure to steal some time together.

  3. Take Tons of Photos - you definitely won’t regret it! That might mean splurging for the disposable cameras for everyone, encouraging hashtag use, and definitely having a professional wedding photographer.

  4. Keep Your Wallet Happy - we know everyone’s budget is different. But whatever the number you are thinking of spending, just keep things in perspective . It IS one of the most important days of your entire life. But it is just that, ONE day thats not worth going into debt over.

  5. Stay Flexible - its almost inevitable that something will go wrong that day; a flat tire, a ripped dress, misplaced rings. Expect it, embrace it, move past it. Do not, I repeat do NOT, let it ruin your day.

One of the many reasons we started this chapel was to give our couples stress-free, beautiful, budget-friendly Wedding Days! Because we know the value of what we provide, it is SO important for us to make sure every Love Story couple has the most incredible Wedding Day. And hopefully with these tips, any couple will be on their way to a beautiful Wedding Day!
