Is a Las Vegas Chapel Wedding for you?

As you know…we LOVE love. So any way we can get it, we will relish on every detail! But a chapel wedding just isn’t for everyone. So this week we are going to focus on the pros of having your wedding at our Las Vegas Chapel (this is discussing JUST our experience at Love Story Wedding Chapel).


  1. PRICE: Did you know the average wedding costs over $30,000? We have packages to fit any and every budget starting at just $69!

  2. AVAILABILITY: Some venues are scheduled out years in advance. If you and your fiancé get carried away in the moment and want to get married today…you can! Walk-ins are always welcome here.

  3. EASY: If you’re reading this, we don’t have to tell you planning a wedding is STRESSFUL! So why spend months agonizing over guest lists and seating charts? We are your one stop shop, creating less time for worrying and more time for enjoying and celebrating!

  4. PHOTOS: Yes we are famous for our photos, we are the only place where you will receive every picture we take so while we guarantee a “minimum” count, chances are likely you will receive over that amount.

Love Story