Popular Chapel in Las Vegas for many reasons
Wedding Chapel on Las Vegas Blvd
Celebrate your LOVE STORY at Las Vegas’ newest Clean & Modern Chapel
There are many reasons we believe we are the BEST, but our main reason is that we put our couples’ happiness first. We are awesome because we care and we are great at what we do. Providing destination elopement packages in Las Vegas is our passion; it’s what we have been doing for decades.
That’s why we have no hidden/extra fees, no surcharges, and no Minister Fee. Our prices listed are total price amounts including Minister/Officiant Fees. We also do not sell you your photos after the ceremony. Get all your photos, Ceremony and Posed Photography included and we always allow personal photography and cell phones. Celebrate in our clean and modern wedding chapel on Las Vegas Blvd. Vow renewals, commitment ceremonies and Elvis celebrations are all available!